
The Prefabrication plant of Baupol was created in 1995 as the additional auxiliary production line. The first idea of how that would work was that the plant would help the construction building projects to provide its own prefabricated products. The needs of the market quickly showed a big demand for our products and made us lean towards market production.

In 1996, the new technology line was bought and adapted for the production of the beam and slab floor of a FILIGRAN type. One year later, the line of the production of the densed beam and slab floors of a TERIVA type was bought. In next years, the production lines had been renovated and modernized. We complemented our offer with prefabricated stairway.

In 2008 we launched the overhead crane (8t). In 2010, the new, fully automated concrete batching plant was bought. Our intentions have always been directed at increasing the efficiency and quality of our products.

Our customers in the prefabricated segment are local building companies, wholesale building houses and individual customers. From the beginning, we supervise the quality and examine our products at the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials in Warsaw which allows us after receiving proper certificates of factory production control (“Zakładowa Kontrol Produckji” – ZKP in Polish), to produce and sell the prefabricated products. In our plant also use our own laboratory for examining the concrete.